For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 24

I can't believe I'm starting my 6th month of pregnancy already! Time is flying by- especially with the holidays and our vacation coming up just around the corner! 19 days until we will be in beautiful HAWAII! I'm so excited to get some sun and spend time with my hubby and his family!
We had our 24 week check up on Monday and all is well! I won't have another check up until after we get back from our trip in January. It's so crazy to think that after the New Year, I will only have 2.5 months left until baby Redmond is here! I'm getting so impatient already! I want to know what he/she looks like and I just can't wait to hold her/him! Oh yea...and I sorta want to know if it's a HE or SHE. Kind of important too :) Well either way, this baby is becoming more and more active everyday! I got to watch it kick my side yesterday morning when I woke up. So fun to see it and feel it make little thuds in my belly!

Here is a picture of me on Thanksgiving morning:

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs from last months Dr. visit. Total = 15 lbs
Maternity clothes? Lots of leggings and only maternity jeans
Sleep:  Not so good this week, sick with a cold :(
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at checkup
Movement: All of the time! Especially before bed and when I wake up
Food cravings: I could eat Chipotle for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Last week at the movie theaters- too much Chevy's + smell of popcorn
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender prediction: Sometimes I think it's a boy, and other times I have no idea!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting flatter!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy!!
Weekly Wisdom: Trying to make the most out of every second of pregnancy, and not taking anything these next few months for granted! (Like sleep, time alone with Daniel, etc.)
Milestones: My sister and sister in law got to feel some kicks over Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 20

20 weeks! I can't believe this journey is already half way over! This Monday (Halloween) was our 20 week ultrasound. It was so fun to be able to see how much the baby has grown since our last ultrasound 10 weeks ago. At this ultrasound they had to check out all of the important things - like kidney and heart function, etc. We got to see its 5 fingers on each hand and its 5 toes on each foot. We got to watch it move around and see its little mouth making sucking motions. I told Daniel that I was not, NOT going to look for its "parts" because I'm super impatient and I want to know what the sex is so badly! Lucky for Daniel, the tech was pretty good about staying away from that area so I didn't catch a glimpse of anything :( Here are some of the pictures of baby Redmond at 20 weeks:

I also got to work on one of  the baby's dressers yesterday. This dresser has been around for a long time. I was mine since I was little - and then when I moved out my sister used it for her high school years. So needless to say, it was a little thrashed. Here it is before:

And here is the finished product!

So much better! It look a lot of primer and paint to get that thing white again, but it looks great! And I love the new handles! I can't wait until we buy the crib so we can see how everything looks all together :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 19

Yay! The bump has arrived people! I woke up last Wednesday and there was a little something more than usual. I went to Daniel's parents house later that day and had his mom confirm that it wasn't just my imagination! 
And of course - all of this happened on the day I left on a trip, so Daniel had to wait until I got back to see my bump. He was so surprised when he picked me up from the airport!
This Thursday is our 20 week check up, and we have our 20 week ultrasound on Halloween. I can't wait to see how much our nugget has grown! It's going to kill me that we won't be finding out the sex of the baby at the ultrasound. I'm dying to know!!

Here is a picture of the bump at the pumpkin patch:

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +4 lbs from last post
Maternity clothes? I finally tried out my maternity skinny jeans! Love them!
Sleep:  9-10 hours a night
Best moment this week: My hubby getting to feel my belly at the airport
Movement: Sometimes I swear I feel it, but I'm still not sure!
Food cravings: Halloween candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not recently!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender prediction: Still leaning towards a boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Weekly Wisdom: Chewable prenatal vitamins are life savers!
Milestones: Finally being able to see/feel a belly!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 17

I can't believe I'm already 4 months along! We had an appointment on September 27th for a check up and to hear the heartbeat. Such a cool experience to hear another heartbeat inside of your body! 
I'm still not "showing" very much but Daniel and I can tell my belly has grown a tiny bit. 
Praise God I'm finally done with the constant nausea! It took 4 months, but hey - as long as that part is over, I'm happy! I have still gotten sick a few times, but mostly because something I ate didn't agree with my stomach. And I finally have energy to work out! I've been trying to walk at least 2 miles a day, and the weather has finally cooled down so I'm not miserably hot when I'm out walking.
Here is my 17 week picture. I promise I will get better at updating my blog, and taking weekly pictures! 

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 2 pounds at last Dr. visit
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Sleep: Not as many naps, but still 9-11 hours a night
Best moment this week: Last weekend we went to beach in Santa Cruz with my sister. Perfect beach weather!
Movement: Not yet, but I'm hoping I feel it soon!
Food cravings: Caffeine-free soy Chai lattes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Oatmeal
Have you started to show yet: A little belly
Gender prediction: Still leaning towards a boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I have my moments!
Weekly Wisdom: Notice God in your everyday activities! Try to once an hour think about where you saw God in your normal routine, and to not go a day without missing His presence in your life.
Milestones: 4 months along!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 13

Yay finally done with the first trimester! But unfortunately not out of the woods yet, as far as being sick goes. I'm dealing with lovely "morning" sickness (more like anytime of the day sickness). And this weekend I came down with a lovely cold - so I've been super congested, with sneezing and a sore throat. But that's alright, God is good and I'm praying to feel better soon!

The baby is the size of a peach this week - but still no bump! Just a little pooch! This is the only picture I have taken so far... I need to get better at remembering to take my weekly belly pics! This was in Reno at the Peppermill right before Pam and I went to the Gary Allan concert. Which by the way was - AMMMAAAAZZZIINNGGG! And I was so happy that I didn't get sick during the concert!

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5-6 lost since Week 6
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but my mom and I bought some anyways!
Sleep: Exhausted! Naps during the day and 10 hours at night
Best moment this week: Gary Allan concert!!!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: No
Food cravings: Mac and Cheese please!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heat from the shower, odd I know.
Have you started to show yet: A little pooch!
Gender prediction: No idea! Kinda leaning towards thinking it's a boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I can get irritated at the drop of a hat :)
Weekly Wisdom: Trying to stay relaxed!
Milestones: Done with the first trimester!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We're having a baby!

Yay so exciting! We couldn't be more thrilled - or more BLESSED by the Lord. Right now (Sept. 8th 2011) we are 12&1/2  weeks along, and our little bundle of joy should arrive around March 18, 2012. This picture is from our first appointment with our doctor on August 25th - so I was right around 10 weeks. It was so surreal to see this little thing moving inside of me! And let me tell you, it was MOVING. This baby already takes after its daddy. HYPER. (Those of you that know Daniel will agree.)
This blog will be our way of keeping family and friends updated with pictures and stories from this new chapter in our enjoy!